The model's audition photo. When I saw it I still couldn't see McLaren in the face, but my friend Mary, who was here and looking at the computer monitor, said quite enthusiastically, "That's McLaren!" I believed her...she's read Siren Song. The specs for McLaren were fairly simple: a guy who looks to be in his 30s, muscular, and ruggedly handsome. The model came through on all requirements, I think, even if I still can't see McLaren in the resulting photos!
Don took about a dozen photos of McLaren and the silver clue. An important event in the story. I shake my head over Don's memory. Not only does he know events in the books but he also knows character names (like the Mahmoods in A Terrible Enemy -- something I've long forgotten!!!) Don can tell you details, what happens in the plot.... When we were discussing a few ideas about poses for the photo shoot, Don would say something like, "I've got a fallen tree on my property. I'll saw off some of the limbs and I can use that for the scene when McLaren moves the trunk with his car bumper." Again, I shake my head. How many people would remember that incident?
This gives you an idea of what the poster looks like, at least. I think it turned out very nice. I may update it when Swan Song comes out, but that's not till next April. Anyway, it's certainly fun having McLaren around! It pulls him into the realm of a real person, something I still can't feel even after writing eight Taylor & Graham books. Every person who has seen McLaren's photo tells me yep, that is McLaren. I probably got the most emphatic 'vote' for the McLaren model from my police detective friend David. I have no idea if it's because David partnered with me in actually creating the McLaren character, but David swears this is McLaren, or very near to him. Intelligent, but a rough side to him and a sharp edge that stands no nonsense from anyone. Who, by indifferent means, gets it right for the victim and the victim's family. I think, looking at the face of McLaren in these photos, that characteristic comes across. And I hope the readers of the McLaren mysteries think so, too!
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