Across the books and in person.

Welcome! Since I write two English mystery series, I thought it would be fun to chat about that. And about England. Specifically, Derbyshire, since that is the county I know the best. If you have questions about my books, about mysteries or your own writing, or want to know something about England -- perhaps you're planning a visit -- I'd love to talk with you. Let's start chatting, shall we?

Derbyshire VIllage

Derbyshire VIllage

Monday, September 20, 2010

Feel This Muscle

People show their muscles in different ways.  I am learning quickly about this.  Case in point: the publisher question still continues.  Four weeks ago my lawyer sent letter number three to the publisher.  September 2,  over two weeks ago, he got an email back, stating that she would respond to his letter when she's had a chance to look it over.  This entire thing has now dragged out for six weeks!  Think of it: she has kept me waiting, my life on hold, for six weeks while we wait for her to reply.  If that isn't power, I'll kiss a chicken on the lips.

It doesn't seem right to me that someone can keep a person dangling like that for so long.  She's fooling about with my publishing future.  I'm not too happy about that.

Maybe I need to create a little plaque or sign, hang it up near my computer monitor, reminding me that I shouldn't get mad but I should get even.  I would if I could figure out the rest of this book plot!  Still have to hear from any of those two curators.  Maybe this is a conspiracy against me and I'm just slow in figuring it out.

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