Okay, I know I’m jumping the gun. But I’m in between books right now. Book three for McLaren is in David’s hands; book two for McLaren and book eight for Taylor & Graham are at the publisher. I'm waiting for those manuscripts so I can't do a thing right now. So what’s a woman to do? Housework??? I needed a project so I wrote a short story for another mystery anthology that is coming out, perhaps 2012, with L&L Dreamspell. Sure, I’m taking a chance because I don’t know specifics about the requirements for the story, but I know the theme of the anthology. So how wrong can I get? The story is titled 'Crime Among the Crumpets.' I had a hard time coming up with that, I want you to know, so don't be too critical. Actually, I rather like it. It has a bit of P.G. Wodehouse about it, I think. Not that my writing is as good as his, but the title's a bit Bertie Wooster-ish.
Don’t scoff at my project. I pretty much exhausted everything else I could do, except straighten up the garage, but in this weather??? Are you kidding? Near zero wind chills, overnight low temps in the single digits, snow soldered with ice to the ground... That’s a spring job, that is. I rearranged furniture groupings in some rooms in my home, cleaned like a mad woman (even the top sides of the ceiling fan blades, which I can't even see), went through closets and bureau drawers and garnered enough clothing donations to fill seven large trash bags. I’d wanted to give the clothes to victims of the St Louis-area tornadoes. You know, coming in the winter with the cold temps and the snow on the ground…. But, if you can believe it, neither the Red Cross, Am Vets or the Salvation Army wanted clothes! The person I spoke to at the Red Cross was even kind of snippy to me on the phone. They wanted money. The organizations held out their cans and kettles and hope chests for checks and credit card info and green, folding portraits of Lincoln and Grant and Jefferson, but quickly snapped shut when approached with armloads of clothing. So I dumped the clothes into a clothing donation shed near my house. I hope many people will be able to use my items. I literally have women covered from head to toe. It feels great to help people, plus it’s nice to hear my closets and dresser drawers sigh and breathe. Maybe I should write a short story about this. What's a good title... 'Clothing? Snow Thank You.'
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